The Ultimate Checklist For Your Photoshoot
Yes, photoshoots can be exciting, especially if it’s for your big day. But it can also make you a nervous wreck.
Some people like being in front of the camera, while others tend to shy away.
So if you’re planning to have your very own photoshoot, be it for your wedding, formal, graduation, or business etc. we recommend making a photoshoot checklist.
A photoshoot checklist can help you be prepared for what’s to come during your big day. It can also help you calm your nerves, if that’s what you’re needing, and also make your whole photoshoot a complete success.
Here’s a small guide we have prepared to help you learn what are the things you should consider for your photoshoot checklist.
Do It With Your Dream Team
Photoshoots will never be a success without a professional photographer.
If you have a photographer in mind that you want to work with, now is the best time to contact them. However, if you’re still trying to find a professional team to help you achieve your dream photoshoot we recommend searching for your dream team.
It’s also best if you browse through the photographer’s samples and previous works so you can see what style and services they offer.
Of course, it’s also important to read the About Me section of the photographer you are going to work with to see if they are someone who you can get along with easily.
Achieve Your Dream Theme
If you are working with your dream team, then it’s best to tell them about your dream theme.
Communicate with your photographer and tell them the concept you want to achieve during your photoshoot. This can help the photographer know what to do for your whole shoot.
Having your concept and knowing your theme will also help you decide what outfit and props you should bring with you during your photo shoot.
Plan Your Wardrobe
Before the day of your photo shoot make sure to prepare your best wardrobe that would fit your concept.
If your clothes match the theme then it will make your photos more ‘you’ and amazing to look at.
Make sure that your clothes are wrinkle-free during your photo shoot so they won’t look messy in your photos. Your outfit should be as smooth and as flawless as you so you can complement each other well.
Practice Your Face and Poses
If you don’t know what to do in front of the cameras, then better practice yourself before your photo shoot.
Practising your facial expressions can help you learn what to do in front of the camera. This can also avoid having dead-air and awkward moments on the day of your photoshoot.
Practice what look you want to achieve for your photos like the way you smile, pout, stare, and laugh in front of the camera.
You can also practice your poses so your body can adjust well on the day of your photo shoot. Most first-timers happen to pose awkwardly on camera since they don’t know what to do with their hands and their body. Your photographer should also be able to give you some tips on the day!
Glam Yourself
Of course, if you want to look the best version of yourself, make sure to glam up well.
You can go to your local hairstylist and have them do their magic on your hair before your photoshoot.
Or you can also work with a professional hair and makeup artist that can help you show off your most beautiful features.
We recommend taking care of your face and skin days before your photoshoot. A flawless and smooth skin would look really good in front of the cameras.
We’re sure your makeup artist would love to work with a blank and smooth canvas.
Your face is your main feature during your photoshoot so better get it ready if you want to look gorgeous in your photos.
Now that you finally learned what to include on your photoshoot checklist, we sure do hope you follow them to have a successful and fun photoshoot. If you’re looking for the best photographer that specializes in corporate photography, contact Marzo Photography for their professional services. You can also try out the services offered in gm photographics if you want to work with a professional photographer and team.
Posted in:ultimate checklist, photoshoot, tips |
Tips on Improving Your Photography Part 2
Along the same lines, if you are going for symmetry, make sure you nail it. A few inches in one direction can upset the image's symmetry, and your audience (and you) will know you were going for symmetry and missed. Photography can be a game of millimetres.
Study photographs by other photographers . What do you like? What is your favourite thing to photograph?
What do you dislike? What would you improve? Is it perfect? Why, then, is it perfect? Look. Enjoy. Remember. Soak it in. But, don't forget to go out and make your own images!Read photo books Books and websites have helpful tips (I hope this counts). But, not all are created equal. Find writers who you connect with through their writing and find writers who give good advice.
The only substitute for learning through reading (or watching videos) is to make images yourself. Take a class. Attend a workshop. Similar to books and websites, these are not all created equal, but, the one thing they should do is immerse you in photography for a night or a weekend, or more. Being immersed in the art and craft is as important as anything else.
Check your settings / know your equipment;
I dont know how often I have been tempted to put the following note on a sticker and affix it to my LCD screen:
Check your ISO, dummy; If I had a dollar for each time I went out in the sunlight with my ISO at 800 or higher after shooting the previous evening where it was dark.
Know what your settings are and how to change them quickly.
Practice will help you become quicker at this, it is like anything else the more you do it the more proficient you will become, and before long it will be second nature.Use your histogram; In digital photography, the histogram is the best way to evaluate your exposure for accuracy. The LCD screen can be misleading. Knowing how to read your histogram might be the difference between thinking you have a great photo and truly having a great photo.
Get closer;
Fill your frame with the subject, if you can. This is one of the most difficult things to do in photography, as we sometimes worry about being invasive to a stranger, or lazily reach for a telephoto lens to "cheat" and pretend we got close. Get closer and see your imagery improve. I appreciate lots of people want full body shots, but getting closer usually makes a better portrait. Remember less is more.
Take Your Time;
There are times when you need to be quick, but there is something to be said for planning and being deliberate.
Put some thought into the shot before you take it.
Wait for elements to come together, if necessary, then take the photograph.
Use a Tripod;
I appreciate it is a cumbersome piece of equipment, but if you choose to use it, you will have to slow down and think more about the image. That is not necessarily a bad thing. You can then have a slow shutter speed, and you will be able to lower your ISO. ie: camera shake will no longer be an issue.
Some of the greatest photos taken the photographer has waited for hours to get that photo, especially when it comes to nature, or wildlife. Both work on their own time schedules. I am not saying you have to spend hours waiting for that photograph, but be patient.
Posted in:Improving Photography |
Tips On Improving Your Photography
I know reading your manual can be quite boring and overwhelming, but they do tell you a lot about how to use your camera. Spend sometime reading your manual and getting to know your camera. I am not suggesting reading the manual from cover to cover, but have it handy so that you can refer to his from time to time. I still do that today.
Shooting in the RAW format gives you the best performance from your sensor. However shooting in RAW isn't always practical for every photographer, so if this is not an option then shoot in the highest resolution that your camera allows. This will allow you to make a large print and increase your options in editing. Memory cards are relatively cheap these days, so always buy the largest you can afford, the last thing you want is to run out of memory on your card when you are at that special event or holiday.
Composition is everything, if composition is poor then it is always going to be a poor photograph.
You need to be meticulous about it. Study the 'rules' and observe composition in other images to help you 'feel' what works best. Then try to use that knowledge to your advantage. Be deliberate about your composition, if time allows.If there is more than one thing in the image then you want to viewer to be able to follow a logical sequence in the image. Naturally the more objects in the image the harder this will be to achieve.
Try and frame the image in your mind before you raise the camera, continually looking at things like they could be a perfect photograph will train your mind to identify a great photography opportunity and you will instinctively want to take that photograph probably before you totally appreciate what you are about to capture.I have certainly found this with myself some of my greatest landscape photographs, which I have taken, I have just felt an immediate need to take the photograph, and only after taking it really started to appreciate that image.
If you use autofocus, and you likely do, the camera's autofocus is either going to make the picture or ruin it. Know what the autofocus modes do and how to adjust focus if the camera suddenly decides it thinks it knows better than you what part of the frame you want in focus.
Also don't be afraid to understand M and how aperture, shutter speed and ISO work together.
You have probably heard the term it is all about the lighting. Light is everything in photography. Spend your time looking for light, even if you aren't taking photos. Look for sun beams and breaks, reflections, shadows, natural light or artificial light. See how light interacts with the environment.
It is a cliché, but true. An intentionally over or underexposed photo is usually much more compelling than one that was incorrectly exposed by accident. The only good blur is intentional blur. Photography is aesthetic and you can explore the fringes of what looks good and what doesn't. But have a reason to be at the fringe because the "my camera settings were messed up" excuse is not a good reason for promoting soft focus or motion blur. The photo may be compelling but intentionally compelling is the better way to go.
Photography is like any skill, the more you do it, the better you can get. The best camera you have is the one in your hand, so if you aren't out with your full size sensor DSLR kit, don't be afraid to take the shot it is possible to take great photos with your mobile phone camera or some other point and shoot.
You can take great photos with any camera. A professional camera certainly does have its advantages, but also does have its disadvantages as well. What ever type of camera you have, there is always going to be some sort of compromise between quality, options available and portability.
Posted in:Improving Photography |
Why it is Important to Have Professional Hair and Makeup for Your Headshots
They say, "Do not judge a book by its cover." While this proverb is ideal, it is not entirely possible. After all, we are humans. Our attention span can only sustain so much. The reality is, often, we judge things including people by their external qualities. While people try to appear as one thing, we may see and perceive them differently. After all, beauty is subjective. Consequently, we tend to assess each other based on our perceptions. Hence, investing in how we look and making a good and lasting impression is crucial, especially in the professional world.
Aside from our limited attention span, the world is getting more fast-paced. Plus, the competition is tighter than ever before. We only have limited opportunities to showcase our talents and a short time to make an impression. Hence, one should seize every moment and do their best for every corporate interview or meeting to network with potential and dream clients or brands alike.
2020 has all but forced the world into one that is virtual, business interviews and conferences have transitioned to online. Screening applicants, making judgements and narrowing down to a short list is now very much an on-screen process. It's probably fair to say, regardless of your industry and profession, having a professional and presentable online presence is a must which includes professional imagery and video (where applicable).
A professional headshot is the new handshake. Displayed on your LinkedIn account, social media profiles, and other professional websites, this image is the first thing people will see. Presenting your brand, which is why your profile photo should communicate credibility, a sense of trust, and confidence to your audience. If you are looking for a professional headshot photographer from Sydney who can deliver such results, consider Marzo Photography. With an extraordinary talent for visual representation and extensive experience working with professionals, Peter Meagher and his team have mastered the art of capturing headshots, giving them a natural feel. Take it from us or you can check out his portfolio!
Now, the puzzle is, how "firm" should a professional headshot be? The key is to have a professional hair and makeup service for your shoot. It can make or break your image. Here's why you should hire professional hairstylists and makeup artists:
They can Make You Look Your Best
Makeup artists are experts in their craft. With just one look, they can identify what kind of additional touch will suit your skin. Not only are they well-versed in different professional makeup tools, products, and applications, but they also know how lighting works. They can easily recognize which parts of the face to emphasize and to conceal-and most importantly how. Understanding that you seek a corporate style, they make sure that your face will grab the attention it deserves while still going for a natural look. Hence, expect that they will strike a balance between hiding dark circles and blemishes as well as smoothing your skin colour by applying the right amount of light touches-nothing more, nothing less. Plus, they know how to make your face shine while minimizing the natural oil on your face.
They can Get You the Right Hairstyle
Are you tired of your stubborn hair? You might have tried different products and solutions but still, fail to no avail. Fret not! In addition to straightening excessive curls and fixing bangs, professional hairstylists can always bring flyaway hair under control. They will take advantage of your locks to complement your face, depending on its shape. They can curl or straighten your hair or tie it in a knot, always focusing on that 'right look'.
They Simplify & minimise the 'Photoshop' Efforts
Aside from making sure you look dazzling by giving additional outfit styling, professional hairstylists and makeup artists reduce the amount of retouching effort your photo editor will do. As ironic as it sounds, in this sense, your photographs would look as natural as possible. Hence, your pictures will have a quick turn around. This is an advantage if you want to get your shots as soon as you can!
You will Feel Your Best
Aside from knowing that you look your best, you will feel relaxed from the pampering that you experience from a professional hair and makeup session. As a consequence, this can boost your mood and confidence-making you ready to face the camera in no time. Many clients attest that the special treatment gives off a VIP feel and adds up to their overall headshot photoshoot experience!
Finding a professional hairstylist and makeup artist is one, but having the best with a talent for capturing your professional photographs is another.
If you are looking for one, we got you! Simona Janek is your go to hair and makeup artist for professional headshots.
As a professional, with a passion for hairstyling and makeup, Simona will guide you through it all.
Posted in:Corporate Photograpy |
Tips on Event Photography
Seven tips for taking good event photographs.
1. Read the crowd
No. 1 Tip, is read the crowd, step back and look at what the crowd is doing, is there a group of people that are happy or involved in the moment which would capture a nice shot of the event.
This could include happy, sad or solemn.
2. Look for animated people
No. 2 Tip, look for animated people, what I mean by this is there someone that has a big loud laugh, or the centre of attention to a small group of people.
Trying to take a candid photograph of these people or the people watching or interacting with this person can make a great shot.
To take candid shots, keep the camera pointed down and when you see something that looks natural and interesting raise your camera, and take the shot. Don't ask for their permission, that would turn it into a posed shot.
3. Take candid photographs rather than posed
No. 3 Tip, there is nothing wrong with posed shots, I have taken many great posed shots, but always ask them first and give them time to organise themselves, this especially if there are children involved.
4. Be patient
No. 4 Tip be patient when taking photos whether they are posed or candid, sometimes it won't work and when you least expect it you will capture something special.
The key is be ready to take that shot when it presents itself.
5. Interact with the crowd
No. 5 Tip don't be afraid to interact with the crowd or group at times, assuming they are not hostile, if they want to ask you a question about photography and what sort of equipment you use, tell them, its a great ice breaker and will make them feel more comfortable with you.
6. Take plenty of photographs including duplicates
No. 6 Tip take plenty of photographs as well as duplicates or in other words more than one shot of the same image.
7. Use the highest resolution
No. 7 Always photograph in the highest resolution your camera can take and if possible photograph in the format of RAW.
This will give you the best editing options available. It will take up more memory on your camera and hard drive, but memory is cheap these days, don't scrimp on quality.
For further tips check our Event Photography Complete guide, in:Event Photography |